Monthly Archives: November 2013

Geelong day 1 down

So day 1 down, and I havent dropped a battle point. First round against tau, got the win. Next 2 fames were against nids, both GROTs players. First up andrew Strazzeri round 2 in kps. Got a solid win, however he played quite defensively and it could have gone different. Here are some pics Hammer […]

Geelong round 1 down

Ok. First round was a win. Full battle report later, but turn 5 was genius… Here are some photos

Geelong Heresy day 1

Ok. So I cant be bothered too much with the pre amble. So here is a pic of the list. Khan with grav command 2 squads of bikes, double grav, combi grav, melta bombs, attack bike 3 hyperios Priest on bike, runic armour, chooser 10 gh with banner and double plas 4 wolf guard in […]

VIC Masters Day 1 Recap

Day 1 over, and I have 1 loss round 1 to rick mckay and his grey knights. Mission was kps, he shunted forward with 20 interceptors and 2 dreadknights. He got 2 kps up and first blood. My screamers went in the counter and won against 3 dread knights and some interceptors. Unfortunately they all […]

VIC Masters lead up

Hi all. So another masters event this weekend, this time for my home state victoria. Mid strength field, with a bunch of the top players pulling out or not excepting their invites for a range of reasons. But dont let that fool ya, a solid bunch of the atc lads as well as some up […]

Qld masters done and dusted

Ok, so I am at the airport waiting for my delayed flight. Here is a recap of day 2. Round 4 I was against simon with his nids. He had 2 flyrants, 2 tervigons, 2 spaws with gaunts, a spaw for doom, and 2 mawlocks. Mission was relick, secondary kps and teriary was kill a […]

Round 2 and 3 done

Ok. So day 1 is done… Round 2 was primary kps with secondary objectives and tertiary kill a slot. I had justin Murphy. He had chaos with 3 units of spawn. No hell drakes. Some mauler fiends and 3 units of deep striking combi melta termis. Tough game, my grav guns werent that great. But […]

Round 2 and 3 done

Ok. So day 1 is done… Round 2 was primary kps with secondary objectives and tertiary kill a slot. I had justin Murphy. He had chaos with 3 units of spawn. No hell drakes. Some mauler fiends and 3 units of deep striking combi melta termis. Tough game, my grav guns werent that great. But […]

Qld round 1 win

Ok, so round 1 against ben sharpe and his crons. Tough game for round 1. I got first blood in draw hammer, game was heading my way from there. Game was like 2hrs, not enough time and we pushed to turn 4. I won primary, then we drew the secondary which was table quarters and […]

First epic stuff up

Ok. so I wasnt sure if I would post this one, but thought why not… So my original list design for qld masters had khan leading white scars with a small rune priest contingent. Unfortunately due to an order not arriving in time I had to improvise a list last minute. I decided my daemons […]