New Zealand Landed – Equinox / Battle of the Ditch

Ok, so a few of the Melbourne lads have come over to kiwi land to play some serious man dollies… But before we get into all that Leigh Tresidder, Gemma Lethborg (my better half) and I are going to Hobbiton, it’s going to be brilliant, drinking at the green dragon, jumpin fences and all kinds of hobbit/LotR stuff.

So what’s the line up? Leigh Tresidder, Adam Synoradzki and I have flown over for a tournament called equinox. It’s run in Auckland by Nikola, who is a champ. It’s 1750, no comp as kiwis don’t seem to believe in that crap, minimal paint score, fairly cool missions. We are staying with Dean Bradley in his pimp shack and drinkin away the nights (well night, as we have only been here for one night so far, but more drinking will be on the cards).

So, what did I bring. Well it’s 100 points less than I am used to, but my daemon list I took to ATC 2013 scales down to 1750 reasonably well. So it’s basically fateweaver, 3 lvl3 disc heralds, 1 seeker herald, a chaos sorcerer, screamers, seekers, and troops. It has done me well so far, let’s see how it goes over in kiwi land.

On Saturday night we will be running the battle of the ditch, with is a team style one round event of X amount of Aussies vs X amount of kiwis, this year it looks to be 5 on 5. It didn’t run last year, but the previous year (2012) the Aussies took it out for the first time ever… I don’t intend on letting the kiwis get it back, but all i doubt they are going to just roll over and let us spank them again…

Ok, more details to come, but for now…


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